Gampell A., Gaillard JC., Parsons M., Le Dé L. (2020) Fostering student participation in disaster risk reduction through disaster video games. Australian Journal of Emergency Management 35(2): 43-50.
Le Dé L., Gaillard J.C., Gampell A., Loodin N., Cadag J.R.D. (2020) Participatory mapping 2.0: new ways for children's participation in disaster risk reduction. Australian Journal of Emergency Management 35(2): 34-42.
Gaillard J.C., Walters V., Rickerby M., Shi Y. (2019) Persistent precarity and the disaster of everyday life: homeless people’s experiences of natural and other hazards. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science: in press.
Gampell A.V., Gaillard J.C., Parsons M. (2019) On the use of participatory methodologies for video game research: exploring disaster risk reduction in video games. Methodological Innovations: in press.
Gaillard J.C., Peek L. (2019) Disaster-zone research needs a code of conduct. Nature 575(7783): 440-442.
Cadag J. R.D. (2019) Integrating language needs in disaster research and disaster risk reduction and management through participatory methods. In F.M. Federici and S. O’Brien (eds.) Translation in cascading crises. Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 177-198.
Gaillard J.C. (2019) Disaster studies inside out. Disasters 43(S1): S7-S17.
Gaillard J.C., Cadag J.R.D., Rampengan M.M.F. (2019) People’s capacities in facing hazards and disasters: an overview. Natural Hazards 95(3): 863-876.
Ton K., Gaillard J.C., Adamson C.E., Akgungor C., Ho H.T. (2019) Expanding the capabilities of people with disabilities in disaster risk reduction. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 34: 11-17.
Gaillard J.C., van Niekerk D., Shoroma L.B., Coetzee C., Amirapu T. (2019) Wildlife hazards and disaster risk reduction. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 33: 55-63.
Le Dé L., Loodin N., Gampell A., Hinchliffe G. and Gaillard J.C (2018) Using Minecraft and LEGO for disaster risk reduction. Crisis Response Journal 14(1): 74-75.
Kerstin Z., Cadag J.R.D., Escarcha J., Garnett S. (2018) Perceived heat stress increases with population density in urban Philippines. Environmental Research Letters.
Pairama J., Le Dé L. (2018) Remittances for disaster risk management: perspectives from Tongan and Samoan migrants in New Zealand. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 9(3): 331–343.
Adisaputri G., Le Dé L. (2018) The role of religious beliefs and practices in disaster: the case study of 2009 earthquake in Padang city, Indonesia. Disaster Prevention and Management 27: 74-86.
Yonson R., Noy I., Gaillard J.C., (2018) The measurement of disaster risk: an example from tropical cyclones in the Philippines. Review of Development Economics 22(2): 736-765.
Le Dé L., Rey T., Leone F., David G. (2018) Sustainable livelihood and effectiveness of disaster responses: a case study of tropical cyclone Pam in Vanuatu. Natural Hazards 91: 1203-1221.
Balay-as M., Marlowe J., Gaillard J.C. (2018) Deconstructing the binary between indigenous and scientific knowledge in disaster risk reduction: approaches to high impact weather hazards. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 30(A): 18-24.
Cadag J.R.D. (2017) From connections towards knowledge co-production for disaster risk reduction including climate change adaptation. In I. Kelman, J. Mercer and JC Gaillard (eds.) The Routledge handbook of disaster risk reduction including climate change adaptation. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 187-198.
Ronoh S., Gaillard J.C., Marlowe J. (2017) Children with disabilities in disability-inclusive disaster risk reduction: Focussing on school settings. Policy Futures in Education 15(3): 380-388.
Rey T., Le Dé L., Leone F., David G. (2017). Leçons tirées du cyclone Pam au Vanuatu (Mélanésie): aléas côtiers, crues éclairs et dommages. Géomorphologie: Relief, Processus, Environnement 23(4): 343-356.
Ton T.K., Gaillard J.C., Cadag J.R., Naing A. (2017) It takes two to tango: integrating meteorological knowledge and actions for disaster risk reduction. Climate and Development 9(6): 479-492.
Rey T., Le Dé L., Leone F., David G. (2017) An integrative approach to understand vulnerability and resilience post-disaster. Disaster Prevention and Management 26(3): 259-275.
Le Dé L., Gaillard J.C. (2017) Disaster risk reduction and emergency management in prison: a scoping study from New Zealand. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 25(4): 376-381.
Gaillard J.C., Sanz K., Balgos B.C., Dalisay S.N.M., Gorman-Murray A., Smith F., Toelupe V. (2017) Beyond men and women: a critical perspective on gender and disaster. Disasters 41(3): 429-447.
Ronoh S., Gaillard J.C., Marlowe J. (2017) Bridging the participatory gap: children with disabilities and disaster risk reduction. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters 35(3): 271-297.
Gampell A., Gaillard, J.C., Parsons M., Fisher K. (2017) Beyond Stop Disasters 2.0: an agenda for exploring the contribution of video games to learning about disaster. Environmental Hazards, 16(2): 180-191.
Cadag J.R.D., Petal M., Luna E., Gaillard J.C., Pambid L., Santos G.V. (2017) Hidden disasters: recurrent flooding impacts on educational continuity in the Philippines. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 25: 72-81.
Moatty A., Gaillard J.C., Vinet F. (2017) Du désastre au développement: les enjeux
de la reconstruction post-catastrophe. Annales de Géographie, 714: 169-194.
Gaillard J.C., Gorman-Murray A., Fordham M. (2017) Sexual and gender minorities in disaster. Gender, Place and Culture, 24(1): 18-26.
Wisner B., Berger G., Gaillard J.C. (2017) We’ve seen the future, and it’s very diverse: beyond gender and disaster in West Hollywood. Gender, Place and Culture, 24(1): 27-36.
Gaillard J.C., Cadag J.R.D., Gampell A., Hore K., Le Dé L., McSherry A. (2016) Participatory numbers for integrating knowledge and actions in development. Development in Practice, 26(8): 998-1012.
Gampell A., Gaillard J.C. (2016) Stop disasters 2.0: video games as tools for disaster risk reduction. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 34(2): 283-316.
Rampengan M., Law L., Gaillard J.C., Boedhihartono I., Sayer J. (2016) Engaging communities in managing multiple hazards: reflections from small islands in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 37(2): 249-267.
Kelman I., Gaillard J.C., Lewis J., Mercer J. (2016) Learning from the history of disaster vulnerability and resilience research and practice for climate change. Natural Hazards, 82(S1): 129-143.
Uddin S.M.N., Walters V., Gaillard J.C., Hridi S.M., McSherry A. (2016) Water, sanitation and hygiene for homeless people. Journal of Water and Health, 14(1)47-51.
Le Dé L., Gaillard J.C., Friesen W., Pupualii M., Brown C., Aupito A. (2016) Our family comes first: migrants’ perspectives on remittances in disaster. Migration and Development, 5(1): 130-148.
Rampengan M., Boedhihartono I., Margules C., Sayer J., Law L., Gaillard J.C., Ong T., Linh T. (2016) Agroforestry on an active volcanic small island: Prospering with adversity. Geographical Research, 54(1):19-34.
Ronoh S., Gaillard J.C., Marlowe J. (2015) Children with disabilities and disaster preparedness: a case study of Christchurch. Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online, 10(2): 91-102.
Le Dé L., Gaillard J.C., Friesen W. (2015) Using participatory tools to assess remittances in disaster. Humanitarian Exchange, 65: 30-33.
Davies T., Beaven S., Conradson D., Densmore A., Gaillard J.C., Johnston D., Milledge D., Oven K., Petley D., Rigg J., Robinson T., Rosser N., Wilson T. (2015) Towards disaster resilience: a scenario-based approach to co-producing and integrating hazard and risk knowledge. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 13: 242-247.
Le Dé L., Gaillard J.C., Friesen W. (2015) Poverty and disasters: Do remittances reproduce vulnerability? Journal of Development Studies, 51(5): 538-553.
Le Dé L., Gaillard J.C., Friesen W., Matautia Smith F. (2015) Remittances in the face of disasters: a case study of rural Samoa. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 17(3): 653-672.
Gaillard J.C., Gomez C. (2015) Post-disaster research: is there gold worth the rush? Jàmbá: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies, 7(1):
Ronoh S., Gaillard J.C., Marlowe J. (2015) Children with disabilities and disaster risk reduction: a review. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 6(1): 38-48.
Kelman I., Lewis J., Gaillard J.C., Mercer J. (2015) Island contributions to disaster research. Global Environment, 8: 16-37.
McSherry A., Manalastas E.J., Gaillard J.C., Dalisay S.N.M. (2015) From deviant to bakla, strong to stronger: mainstreaming sexual and gender minorities into disaster risk reductcion in the Philippines. Forum for Development Studies, 42(1): 27-40.
Kelman I., Gaillard J.C., Mercer J. (2015) Climate change’s role in disaster risk reduction’s future: Beyond vulnerability and resilience. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 6(1): 21-27.
Gaillard J.C., Hore K., Cadag J.R.D. (2015) Participatory mapping for disaster risk reduction: A Review. The Globe 76: 31-38.
Le Dé L., Gaillard J.C., Friesen W. (2015) Academics doing participatory disaster research: How participatory is it? Environmental Hazards 14(1): 1-15.
Thompson M.A., Lindsay J.M., Gaillard J.C. (2015) The influence of probabilistic hazard map properties on understanding and communicating hazard. Journal of Applied Volcanology, :